How to Change Font in HTML without CSS (4 Steps)

Do you want to know How to Change Font in HTML without CSS?

Well in this post, we going to see How to Change the Font-Family, Font-Size, Font-weight in HTML without CSS, and there is only one way to change the font and that is inline CSS

below I have mentioned how to change the font in HTML without CSS and also I gave easy steps that you can easily follow and Change the Font in HTML without CSS, check-in below

Inline CSS is one of the best ways to change font family, font size, and font weight in HTML, just use a style attribute in the tag in which you want to change the font and apply the CSS font family, font size, and font-weight property as per the requirement.

How to Change Font in HTML without CSS

How to Change Font-Family, Font-Size, Font-weight in HTML without using CSS

To Change Font-family, Font-size, and Font-weight in HTML without CSS, there is only one way and method to Change Font in HTML without CSS which is Inline CSS, Using Inline CSS we can easily Change our Font in HTML,

Below I have mentioned 5 easy steps that you can follow and Change your Font in HTML without CSS, follow all the steps to Change Font in HTML, and check-in below

1. How to Change Font Family in HTML without CSS

To Change Font Family in HTML Below I have mentioned all the steps to Change Font Family in HTML without CSS (4 easy steps by steps), Follow all the steps to Change your Font Family in HTML without CSS

1. Open your app where you do Coding

In the first steps, you have to open your app where you can do your codes, and here I am using Visual Studio Code, so open your app or website where you want to codes

2. Now add HTML or CSS in your HTML file

After opening your app or website, Now you can do your HTML or CSS codes and you can do any kind of HTML and CSS codes where you wants to add fonts family, so complete your HTML codes to add a font family

3. Now add Font Family in the inline CSS

After add HTML in your HTML file, Now add font family using inline CSS, In your HTML tag add <style> open and coles </style> after add style tag in your HTML

now select the font family and paste it in your inline and also select the URL and paste it in your HTML <head>

4. Save the HTML file and see the preview

After following all the 3 steps now this is the last step, save the HTML file and see the preview, In below I provide after and before the image, and as you can see the defenses of the font-family

2. How to Change Font Size in HTML without CSS

To change font size in HTML without CSS, Below I have mentioned How to Change Font Size in HTML without CSS (4 easy steps by steps), follow all the steps, to Change your Font Size without using CSS

1. Open your app where you do Coding

In the first steps, you have to open your app or website where you do your codes, and here I am using Visual Studio Code, so open your app or website where you want to codes

2. Now add HTML or CSS in your HTML file

After opening your app or website, Now you can do your HTML or CSS codes and you can do any kind of HTML and CSS codes, where you wants to add fonts size, so complete your HTML codes to add a font size

3. Now add Font Size in the inline CSS

After completing your HTML and CSS codes, Now add <style> tag in your HTML tag after adding style tag in your HTML, Now add font size in your inline CSS

4. Save the HTML file and see the preview

After following all the 3 steps now this is the last step and a very easy step also, Save the HTML file and see the preview, In below I provide after and before the image, and as you can see the defenses of the font-size

3. How to Change Font Weight in HTML without CSS

To Change Font Weight in HTML without CSS, Below I have mentioned How to Change Font Weight in HTML without CSS (4 easy steps by steps), Follow all the steps to Change Font Weight in HTML without CSS

1. Open your app where you do Coding

In the first steps, you have to open your app or website where you do your codes, and here I am using Visual Studio Code, so open your app or website where you want to codes

2. Now add HTML or CSS in your HTML file

After opening your app or website, Now you can do your HTML or CSS codes and you can do any kind of HTML and CSS codes, where you wants to add fonts size, so complete your HTML codes to add a font-weight

3. Now add Font Weight in the inline CSS

After completing your HTML and CSS, Now add <style> tag in your HTML tag, and in the style tag add font-weight and give font-weight according to your needs

4. Save the HTML file and see the preview

After following all the 3 steps now this is the last step, Save the HTML file and see the preview and, In below I provide after and before the image, and as you can see the defenses of the font-weight

I hope this post helps you, To Change the Font in HTML without CSS.

You may also want to know: How to put a border around text in HTML (with codes example)

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