Replace Double Quotes in Javascript [Two Easy Ways]

Replace Double Quotes in Javascript

While creating a normal function or writing complex code, you may need to replace double quotes with single quotes, backslash, colon, or other symbols.

The only problem is that the code may not work as you expect, but now you don’t need to worry because I found an easy solution for replacing Double Quotes in Javascript with other symbols.

let texts = "Stay positive,\" he whispered, \"everything will be alright.";

let text = texts.toString().replace(/"/g, "'"); //Replace Double Quotes


//Output: Stay positive,' he whispered, 'everything will be alright.

In the above example, I have used the regex and replace method of JavaScript to replace all the double quotes from a string.

You can use this function in your code to replace all the double quotes or any other symbols.

In this example, I’ve demonstrated how to replace double quotes with single quotes in JavaScript. Feel free to modify the symbol in the regex section to suit your needs.

Convert it to a function for Reusability

Let’s say you want to use this functionally multiple times in your code and for doing that you can convert the above code to a function that returns the convert strings.

here is how you can do it:

function replaceDoubleQuotes(text) {
    return text.replace(/"/g, "'");

This function replaces all the quotes and returns the converted string, to use this function you can see the example below.

replaceDoubleQuotes("Stay positive,\" he whispered, \"everything will be alright.")
//Output: Stay positive,' he whispered, 'everything will be alright.


let sentence = "Stay positive,\" he whispered, \"everything will be alright."

//Output: Stay positive,' he whispered, 'everything will be alright.

When you learn how to do something, you can use it in lots of different ways. I hope the two methods I talked about help you.

If you encounter any errors while using the methods, please let me know in the comments. I’ll try my best to help you find a solution.

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